Saturday 31 August 2013

The World of Blog: Falling into the void

 I love blogs.

It may sound like a bit of a bold, exaggerated statement to say I love some words, and/or images on a screen written by someone in some far off distant land that I will only ever visit in my wildest musings. Where every blogger and every blog exists in a world of Once Upon a Time's, and Happily Ever Afters...

Oh Blog, how do I love thee?  Well, let me count the ways... Love that there is a platform on the vast world of the internet where your soon to become favourite recipes are a key stroke and a click from being unveiled to you from their carefully crafted hiding places.

Wild Mushroom Soup.-Scandi-Home Blog
Where one photograph can inspire a complete room re-design.  (That's right spare room, I'm lookin' at you, kid!). Where, the unknown skills you had through the amazing tutorials and DIY, tips and fixes, you realize that you are capable of  amazingly creative things, that you'd never even consider trying (move over Leonardo!).
Bohemian Coat-
Blogging has come to represent a community where a world of inspiration, imagination and discovery, is waiting for you just beyond the horizon(s) of your imagination.   Blogging seems to be a  world where reality, and fantasy fuse together to truly create a creature representative of our most fanciful imaginings.

Through our digital wanderings we encounter a few like minded souls and hearts, who inspire us to finally (better late than never?) take the plunge into the potential pratfalls of the creature called Blog.

Most importantly, it's  the faces, places and spaces you get to discover, in this high tech digital world that keeps me fascinated, and makes want to keep coming back again and again.  Everyone has a story, every one is a fascinating individual.  This medium of blog,  provides a mere glimpse of a remarkable life (See: Spread the Love).  Those listed are the most prominent individuals in my wanderings within the blog community whose voices echo a sense of interest, mystery, discovery, and most importantly honesty.  I believe they are  genuine people, genuinely interested in presenting a platform which adds to the value of the internet, and the creative and/or artistic community.   A 'tradition', I will strive to uphold within the content published on MWiktoria. 

MWiktoria is all shiny and new. MWiktoria brings with him/her/them a unique learning curve. I sincerely hope to master.

I hope  to become very good friends with my new found companion.  Currently, we're just getting to know each other, please bear with me, us, MWiktoria.

 This is just the beginning of  the journey of my creative discovery, just imagine where Blog could take you.

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